Saturday, May 31, 2008
Seeing Beauty All Around

Today is officially the first day of summer! I found myself left all alone while everyone else was off enjoying the sunshine. I decided to wonder off myself and I challenged myself to see the world around me differently. To my surprise my first discovery was a tiedye shirt left hanging over the creek with no one in sight. I began to look at nature for its beauty. What I found was the sun creeping through the tree tops, a pair of ducks nesting, mossy ick under streaming water which actually was very pretty when you stopped and really looked at the moss instead of smelling it. As I was walking along a path I heard a rustling in the bushes, thinking it was a bird I glanced into the under brush only to find a beautiful lizard showing off his stuff. So I challenge you to stop and enjoy the world around you, see the ordinary in a different light and it becomes extraordinary.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Big Picture

I had the opportunity to get the big picture today. I have a friend who loves the upper deck for sporting events. For my whole life I have wondered why in the world anyone would want to sit in the upper deck instead of sitting down close to the action. I decided to honor my friend today by sitting in the "upper deck", actually it was a balcony and I sat alone at my friend's funeral. I know, I know, not another funeral but yes that is where I found myself . I sat alone and in amazement at the fact that no one else had the thought to sit in the upper deck seats just like he would have done. What I learned was that it is a totally different view from up high. First thing I noticed is that no one else could see me since they were all looking forward. Secondly I was amazed at how many men there were balding. Thirdly it suddenly hit me at what a cool site it was to see the whole scene in one view. I could see every seat filled and the pattern all of those heads made. I am an up close sort of person but it was a wonderful reminder to stop and take in the big picture. Sometimes it takes the big picture to understand a situation. I also chuckled to myself as the family can always say, it was a full house, there were even people in the balcony! I wondered what the preacher and three speakers whom I know all pretty well, were thinking about that lone person sitting up in the nose bleed seats. Maybe they realized I knew doctor 9X pretty well and knew right where he would have been sitting if he had still been with us.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
From Above

We went to the Rose Bowl a few years ago and my youngest took a photo from the window that is one of my favorite photos ever. I decided to try to create my own shot from above and clearly he is a better photographer than I am. Mine doesn't touch his but due to the polarization of the window mine is sort of a technocolored mystery. What amazes me as I live in the burbs is that there is actually land out there that is totally not developed and is as natural as it could possibly be. As we flew over this pond, what caught my eye was how green the water was and how beautifully the land met the water. So my from above shot may not be perfect but it did catch a perfect moment in time where I could enjoy nature's beauty without disturbing it.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Nelo has arrived

Nelo who you ask. Well glad you asked Nelo is a great band that has gotten their first record deal and is available on ITunes (whiched turned 5 today). I recommend you downloading their album or some of their songs. Nelo has been hard at work, paying their dues for over three years. Hard work has paid off and they are launching their newly released album. Last night they played at the Granada in Dallas, Texas. To get you started in the right direction here is a link to songs you can download from their selfnamed album, Nelo, http://www.apple.com/search/ipoditunes/?q=nelo
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Anyone that knows me, knows I have come to a point in my life that I am grasping "life" more clearly than ever. What I have come to realize is life is short and we should make the most of what we have been given. Each and everyone of us has some wonderful gift. I think the whole purpose of life is discovering what our gift is and using it to make the world a better place. Your gift may be as simple as making people smile, which we have learned recently is almost better than receiving money. Well, rambling aside, I want to introduce you to Freddy Wexler. Freddy is a college age musician who had a record deal that was pulled out from underneath him as the label went through some restructuring. He has made his way from Philly to Dallas via a radio station that heard his music and wanted to get his sound out there. He has now decided to stay in Dallas and let the radio station and its listeners help him record an album. The listeners will decide which of the songs he writes he should record and will be pitching in helping he with a place to stay and all of the basics of day to day life. Give him a look and a listen and see what you think of him. Just imagine he his living out his dreams while sharing his gift with others whose lives he has touched along his journey. Click on the link and you can follow along with Freddy as he works through the process of writing, producing and recording an album this summer before school resumes in the fall. http://www.kiddlive.com/freddy/
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