Where exactly do they come from? Mushrooms have taken over my backyard and I am sure there is something about rain that makes them appear. Surely I learned this in school at some point. For whatever reason they are everywhere. Most look exactly alike, the come up as these little bulb like growth and then pop out into this white flat thing with the remnants of the bulb left on top, really weird almost like someone peppered them. Then out of nowhere all alone is one that has a red bottom. How exactly do I know the bottom is red? I was crawling around the yard again, getting the toes of my shoes all muddy, remember it had been raining when these things popped up. Now if I had been all together I would have paid better attention to the details around my mushrooms and cleared the stray blades of grass away to get a better photo but rushing through so the dog could come back out I did not do my best work but here for your wonder are my shrooms.