I got the call from some of my nine year old friends today that they were having a wedding for two cats. Of course I couldn't pass it up. I arrived just before the ceremony, signed the guestbook and walked in just behind the groom who was acting a bit edgy as most grooms do on the big day. Kitty, the groom was dressed in an orange knit polo as were his two groomsmen. After a quick photo session with the groom I found my way to the bride's room where one of the wedding planners was putting the final touches on Ginger Juno Gotts' wedding attire, a flowing powder pink gown that streamed from her collar. I made my way back downstairs to the beautiful backyard setting for the ceremony. As the bride was carried to the official ceremony table, the groom's owner, who had been pulled into the whole scene at the last minute, stood there holding Kitty who jumped out of the owner's grib and made a run for it. Kitty took off down the side yard, losing his shirt in the bushes as it became evident Kitty was not in this relationship for the long haul. Like any top wedding planner worth their fee this planner had a back up plan, she reappeared with a kitty webkinz and the ceremony went on as planned. Ginger was a bit confused as to where her strapping husband to be had taken off to and who the fuzzy black and white creature was that was standing in but she took it all in stride and went through with the ceremony even having her new pink wedding collar placed around her neck. She dined on fine cat food instead of her regular dry cuisine and the guests toasted the happy couple and enjoyed the rest of the festivities. With the wedding behind her Ginger can focus on the next chapter of her young life, raising her kittens, due any day now, as a single mom while the good for nothing daddy spends his days in the lap of luxury in the warm house across the street.
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