Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lizard Mystery

Weather has been like a revolving door around here, hot, windy, wet, cold , hot. Last weekend I heard a yelp at the front door. As someone was heading out they discovered this on the front door.

He was a very calm and seemed to feel right at home on my front screen. He moved up and down and would stand still while I took photos of him from the outside too, much to my daughter's horror as I heard her telling a friend , "yea, mom found a lizard on the door and of course had to take pictures of it." I am an oddity in myself to her at times. Anyway the next day the lizard had taken up residence in the piece of paper that makes like a tube over the broken doorbell reminding people to knock since it has been broken for years. I checked on my little lizard friend the following day and much to my horror there was the lizard still curled up within the paper only one little claw clinging to the top part of the paper. Thinking lizards need warmth to stay alive I feared it had gotten too cold during the first night and had crawled into this paper home feeling safe only to freeze to death. A few hours later I went back out and there and the little guy was gone. Assuming it had fallen on the porch, which would have been painful if he wasn't already frozen, I looked all around. No sign of him anywhere. I realize some other creature may have discovered him and found him to be a tasty morsel but I choose to think of him waking from his hibernation and realizing he had lost two days curled up in the hot pink paper note. If you see him wondering around your front door please do a better job of giving him a warm spot for the night.

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