I can say with all honestly that the last five to eight years we have been just, getting from one day to the next in total chaos, no sense of order. Some things have a place but most just get moved from one spot to another. We like so many other people, have too much going on and have little time to stop and get it together. The danger is becoming accustom to chaos and confusion. Once you get use to it and begin to work around it, you become blind to it. No, our house isn't a total disaster but there are stacks of things around and I am certified stuffer. Combine stacking, stuffing with an old fashion pack rat, well you have a lot to go through and no real starting place. Something came over me recently, I am not sure if it was my laid back, simplified approach to the holidays or just old age but I have a renewed sense of getting control of all aspects of life. Yes that includes working out, I have a self set goal of being in shape by March. Once I quit making and eating my newly discovered recipe for rumcake I might actually meet my fitness goal. In the mean time I plan on staying organized day in and day out so I don't get behind on everything, you know all of the paper work, but also to try to organize a room a month. Once organized I plan on redoing or reworking the said room to get it up to date decoratively. I have tended to care little about the fine decorative details of the house. However for some reason this is beginning to matter to me. So wish me luck and hopefully I can inspire someone reading this to get it together also.
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