Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It has been a wild couple of weeks but I have found myself outside more than usual. I am not sure if it is the plethora of sporting events to cover or that the writers' strike made my favorite tv shows seem to stop and life still went on keeping me busy and changing up my routine. I have not have much time to take photographs for myself but have had some great opportunities to cover different sports. What I did notice at these events is how many people are out living and enjoying life. They are not worried about the work they left sitting on their desk, I suppose it will still be there when they return on Monday, they are not running errands like crazy all over town. No, these people were out with friends or family and talking about what was going on in their life and taking in a sporting event, relaxed, happy and smiling. You will have to forgive me for my amazement at the ease in which these people seem to be carefree. I am still stuck in a what can we get done this weekend, where do we have to be this weekend and how much work can I get caught up on this weekend world. Kids are afraid to get too far away from the computer, video game and broken tivo. I am sorry to say I have become a terrible role model in how to have fun. Fun for me is taking pictures, not much fun for anyone around you. When I do get back home, all of the crisis of the day, which I was not around for all get thrown in my lap. I begin to think my fun wasn't worth the hassle I endure when I return. Ok so you have a better understanding in what my life has become , one big hole of workaholics.

With that all said here are a few of my favorite shots taken while getting a tan.

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