I have always thought an epiphany was when I had a revelation of sorts, which does happen occassionally. Well low and behold this past Sunday was epiphany Sunday. Theoretically epiphany means "to be made manifest". Evidently the oldest epiphany observances were based on the Jewish Feast of Lights, now known as Hanukkah. So with that in mind I will share some of my personal epiphanies that have come to me over the last few years.
-Stick yourself out there, it might just benefit you in the long run.
-Life is what you make of it and it can be rather fun if you think of it that way.
-Everyone has issues, just some of us will admit that we have them.
-Life is too short to spend time with people who really are not fun to be with.
-There is beauty all around you, you just have to take the time to appreciate it.
-Ninety percent of life can be viewed as a comedy the other ten percent a tragedy.
-We do learn from our mistakes and if we don’t then we are fools.
-Try to figure out what crazy gifts God has given you and do something with them.
Well you get the point. As to me, I try to find something good in situations, even the bad ones but other times I wonder just what is going on around me. I feel like this little guy looks. Everything out of my control, maybe that is the point.

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