Raise your hand if you remember mud scrapers! Seriously, we all had them outside our door growing up, you were suppose to scrape the mud off the bottom of your shoes before you came into the house. One of the two things I love about our house is that we have mudscrapers at the front and the back door. My kids wouldn't know what to do with them but they remind me of a simpler time, a time when kids actually played outside and a little mud wasn't the end of the world. The mudscraper in the photo sits just outside my back porch door. The dog runs past it regularly and I might just actually scrape my shoes for fun every once in a while. I dare you to locate and then place a mudscraper by your door.
Are you curious as to my other favorite thing about our house? (the two mudscrapers count as one item since they are basically same category.)
On a random note, I was retrieving a burger, fries and a shake for my Wednesday patient who was laid up by a muscle spasm in the neck when I glanced into the window of a new gifty type shop next to the best burger joint in this part of the state. There were a number of items with little thoughts on them. One particular one jumped out at me. At the risk of totally ruining it, it went something like, In today's world you can be anything you want, why not be yourself.
hmmmm, deep thought.
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