Some folks listen to the groundhogs shadow reports to know when spring is coming and doesn't that silly groundhog always predict more winter? I have my own way of knowing spring isn't far away and that is our flowering quince bush. Unfortunately when our fence was replaced the fence man didn't care too much for our quince bush and its thorns and whacked it back so hard that it has never fully recovered from the stress but will still give me a few good blooms a year. The quince blooms before it has new foliage and most around town I have spotted are red but ours is white. Due to the good fortune of being off the ground the dog has not killed it like the rest of the plants in our backyard. I took full advantage of the dog leaving town for the weekend and got some new photos from what little plant life remains in the dog's domain. Once the quince blooms , spring is not far away. I am already beginning to get back in shape after a winter of wearing lots of jeans and baggy sweaters. A quick note on this photo, taken with a macro lens and fighting the wind while pretty much in the shade.
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