Saturday, February 2, 2008

When Others ...

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks when everything you do is sort of dictated by other people and what they are doing? I have had about two weeks of that and I think it is time I took my life back and did the things that I need to be doing instead of waiting to see what other people need from me only to find out they were not really to concerned about whether or not I was putting things on hold to be there when they needed me. Ok I probably have you all turned around but here is the best part. Today while waiting for all of those things I was to be sort of on call for, I found time to play around with some different lighting techniques. Actually I had done some shots last night only to discover my sensors were pretty dirty, weird since I had cleaned them recently but with most of my normal day to day shots shot wide open the dust wasn't really a factor. No big deal, I lined up my bodies and cleaned the sensors and what a difference if made.

shot with flash thru umbrella off to camera left.

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